Miami Influencer Spotlight: Andrea Grieco @mixeats
Does the phrase, “If you didn’t Instagram it, did you ever eat it?” ring a bell? Well, it should. Miami Influencer Andrea Grieco, the mastermind behind the @mixeats Instagram has us all living by the code. Calling Miami her home, Andrea has some pretty great advice when it comes to creating content. If I were you, I’d read on.
How long have you been actively creating content?
For about 2 years now!
Where are you originally from and how long have you called Miami your home?
Originally from Venezuela, Miami has been home for the past 13 years. (But I was also born here, so add 5 more years to that!)
What is your favorite place in Miami to take friends that are visiting?
Vapiano! Delicious, great priced and so convenient!
What are some of your favorite local businesses that you worked with as a Miami Influencer?
Working with the South Beach Food & Wine Festival this year was a blast! I also have to be thankful for the support of each local restaurant that I’ve visited! Don’t want to pick favorites but I have to give a few shout outs to Sushiato, Mr. & Mrs. Bun, PEZ, and the list goes on. Some nationwide brand partnerships have been Gato Negro wines, Sips By (teas), Bass Note Sangria and Krispy Kreme.
What can local businesses do to gain more exposure on social media?
Partner up with micro influencers that have a more unique localized follower base which can potentially be more beneficial for a local business.
What is your biggest challenge as a content creator?
Daylight! Taking advantage of the natural light is a must and sometimes tough if there’s a cloudy day or it limits me from visiting a restaurant at night
How do you suggest creators can do better at engaging their audience?

Check out Andrea’s Instagram @mixeats and stay tuned for more insight from this Miami Influencer