ARTRPRNR is more than a publication, we are a community of professionals in working in real estate, architecture, art, technology, and media.

Founded in 2016 by Mike Tewel, a Miami-based entrepreneur who grew frustrated with the amount of negativity being projected in most media outlets, he wanted to create a publication that only featured positive content and inspired people to use their talents and success to do more good in the world.

At that time Mike was advising several artists and learned of the disconnect between the creative and business communities, so he began organizing events that would cultivate more collaboration between these communities.

This mission grew alongside Mike as he pivoted into the real estate industry during the pandemic in 2020, ARTRPRNR quickly became a local namesake for creative professionals in the real estate industry, working together across different brokerages to support each others success.

Our team is made up of passionate individuals working together remotely all over the world and were proud of it.  

Some of us are traveling while the rest of us are working from Miami Beach, Rhode Island, Michigan, New York, London, Milan.

We collaborate on our projects using trello boards and communicate either in a What’s App group chat, or on a zoom video call, we will admit the different times zones can make it challenging to get everyone on at the same time but we make it happen.