Since you clicked on this article I will assume that you have in the past experienced that  frustrating moment when you just can’t think, you can’t focus, your brain just feels fogged and it feels like there is nothing you can do about it.

We all get that sometimes, so here are some rituals that will help you overcome brain fog; regain brainpower, be alert and stay on your A game.

1. Eat brain food.

A quick snack is a great healthy pick-me-up. Avocados and cashews are incredible sources of good fats that feed the brain, nervous system, and hormone production. Try replacing the banana in your smoothies with frozen avocado.

2. Add in some adaptogens.

Adaptogens balance out your hormones and help calm stress levels.

For mental clarity and sharpness, mix chaga and Siberian ginseng in some hot water and sip on it during the day.

Ginseng: the pick-me-up

Rhodiola: the stress calmer

Schisandra: the adrenal balancer

Shilajit: the sex hormone igniter

Ashwagandha: the thyroid + mood master

3. Make it tea time.

Mint is a stimulant that helps focus the mind. Try placing mint in the corners of your shower if you wake up feeling in a daze and need to focus. Also when making mint tea or a mint green tea try to inhale it as you drink.

4. Cool off and lather up.

Take a cold shower and let the water directly hit your neck and face for several minutes to stimulates circulation and lymphatic drainage. Then, trace your brow line temples and thryoid with synergistic, anti-inflammatory essential oils of peppermint, geranium, frankincense, and lemongrass. Breathe in the fragrance as you lie in child’s pose with your forehead pressed into a cork or wood yoga block, inviting the pressure of the block and the healing therapeutic botanicals to remedy the fogginess.


5. Call on a crystal.

For creativity injection, hold a citrine crystal in the palm of your writing hand. think about flow, focus, and beating the fog. Crystals can help organize your calendar, fuel creativity, and calm consciousness.

6. Stop and refocus with meditation.

Stop what your doing and sit in meditation for 20 minutes. Meditation has been found to be an extremely reliable idea-generator that simultaneously removes writer’s block with ease.

7. Sip on a high-vibe tonic and go for a walk.

Make a cup of stress relieving herbs like albizzia, rhodiola, cacao, mucuna. Then go on a walk outside to breathe and reflect. As your walking, check in with yourself to observe whatever blockage is occurring, visualizing energy moving through your body and dusting off all the haze.