To experience overall health and happiness, not only do we need to focus on the food that we are eating or the exercise that we are doing, but also focus on the entire Circle of Life. This means striving to achieve balance in personal relationships, having a fulfilling career, and incorporating a personal spiritual practice all determine our health and happiness.

To be able to attain this we need to be open for change and be bold to accept new opportunities in life with gratitude and confidence. We have to make a conscious decision to change and change starts with you and me.

In order to grow, change needs to be embraced. It’s all about managing the right thoughts and emotions that will help to determine the paths and opportunities.

Four ways to embrace change:

1 Be flexible

To experience the true essence of who you are you need to be willing to be flexible with yourself, with others and the universe. As you dream and ask for what you want in life, you need to be open for circumstances that happen as everything that happens to you really happens for you. Being adaptable to life’s situation, allows you to embrace new things that come to you for your own benefit and good.


2 Trust in the process

 You need to start putting out there that you trust the process of the manifestations of your dreams. This means act as if you already have what you want. This demonstrates believe and faith. Expectations is key and believe is vital. It starts with YOU first. When you believe something is bad, you are indeed creating it but if you allow yourselves to go with the flow of life, trusting that everything is always working out for you, than the universal laws and powerful higher self responds back to your expectations.


3 Follow your intuition

We tend to always be on the go and we live busy working schedules, accomplishing daily tasks, and just going about life. We tend to ignore our intuition and that inner voice telling us what or what not to do. It is crucial to start being more open with yourself and really start listening to your body. If you feel you have to turn right, then turn right. The same way if you feel you need to rest than take time to rest. If you need to call a certain person, than do so. Follow what your intuition is telling you while implementing an attitude of faith and expectation. Your body is more intelligent than you think.


4 Implement opportunities

 Changing your behavior is key. We all know we have to eat better, sleep better, take better care of our bodies, but what makes us actually take actions towards implementing the change? What encourages you? What do you need in order to make that change? These are questions you have to ask yourself to determine what works for you and in turn will help you take actions towards that change. It’s all about your mindset and your perception about change and life.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” George Shaw