Office spaces continue to be re-defined, WeWork revolutionized co-working spaces however many startups and freelancers don’t have the budget for that. So a coffee shop might be the next option but it can get crowed and noisy.

Welcome to a new genre, in this ever evolving concept people are creating to redefine the workspace, Spacious and WRKPRTY are transforming the way co-working works.

Spacious is teaming up with high end restaurants and bars to transform their locations into shared-working hubs during the off hours.

Spacious subscriptions run around $95, thats less than half the cost of a desk at WeWork and includes quick Wi-Fi connections, printers, office supplies and coffee.

Most of all impress your clients with a private meeting room in a high end restaurant in the city.

While Spacious is bringing the office to the dining room, WRKPRTY is bringing the party to the office.

WRKPRTY is a platform that enables home-based and remote workers to host or attend a social co-working event (a “work party”) any place, any time.

Simply reserve a seat, show up, be introduced, and work alongside a small group of dynamic professionals. The idea is to maximize your productivity, be inspired, network, make friends, share, collaborate and make work fun (again)!

WRKPRTY is for professional consultants, employees, entrepreneurs, freelancers, even those “between jobs”; anyone conducting business via laptop computer.


Being able to work anywhere with an internet connection, where will you be most productive?